Search & Discovery Analytics

Only Prefixbox offers north star search relevancy metrics that show how users interact with search results. With these insights, you can improve result relevancy and increase conversion rate.

​​​​​​​​E-commerce Search Analytics offer unmatched insights

Search relevancy optimization is only possible if you collect user behavior data. Most data analysts rely on traditional metrics like CTR and Zero Result Search Rate (ZRR) to measure search engine performance. However, these are vanity metrics that are easy to manipulate.

Relevant search results are the key to increasing E-commerce conversion rate. Prefixbox is the only commerce search provider that measures search result relevancy with true north star metrics like Search Success Rate (SSR) and Time To Success (TTS).

What you can’t measure, you can’t optimize. We provide more than 100 search metrics across your store to help you understand how shoppers interact with search results. By offering the richest E-commerce Search Analytics on the market, Prefixbox makes it easy to make data-backed decisions and improve the search experience.

We provide granular E-commerce search metrics to help you:

Benchmark your search relevance

Understand the correlation between search relevance and online revenue

Monitor how shoppers interact with results

Track popular search terms, products, and zero result search terms to help you efficiently expand your product portfolio

Make data-driven optimizations

Improve the shopping experience

Understand search relevancy to effectively optimize your solution and move top search KPIs

Commercial Impact

Conversion Rate

More successful search sessions result in increased conversion rate.

Online Revenue

When people find what they’re looking for, they spend more money and purchase more frequently.

Search Relevance

North Star Analytics

Search Success Rate

Increase the number of search sessions where users find what they’re looking for.

Time to Success

Shorten the time users spend between starting a search and finding the right product.

Explore every aspect of your search solution with in-depth E-commerce Search Analytics

Prefixbox tracks E-commerce Search Analytics that help you understand your shoppers’ purchase intent and evaluate search result quality.

Prefixbox's E-commerce Search Analytics

Our E-commerce Search Analytics give retailers insight into how shoppers interact and engage with all search modules and focus on increasing engagement and conversion.

Search Relevancy Analytics
Autocomplete Analytics
Search Result Page Analytics
Related Searches Analytics
Merchandising Campaign Analytics

Search Relevancy Analytics

We are the only search provider to measure north star search relevancy analytics that depict how shoppers are interacting with results. These cutting-edge metrics offer crucial information retailers need to improve their search.

Search Success Rate
Time to Search Success
Search Success Rate
Time to Search Success

Search Success Rate

The percentage of product search sessions where users engaged with at least one product. This metric includes products in Autocomplete, Search Engine and Related Products.

Time to Search Success

The median number of seconds between the first interaction with the search function and a shopper’s first click on the Search Engine Results Page (product clicks and cart events included).

Search Success Rate

The percentage of product search sessions where users engaged with at least one result.

Time to Search Success

The median number of seconds between the first interaction with the search function and a shopper’s first click.

Autocomplete Analytics

We measure how users interact with the search box and Autocomplete suggestions. Separate Autocomplete boxes are set up for mobile and desktop views so you can see the performance of each separately.
Analytics are only available for Prefixbox Autocomplete boxes; learn more about key Autocomplete analytics below.

Suggestion Usage
Suggestion Coverage
Search User Rate
Unique Search Count
Intent Expression Time
Suggestion Type Usage
Positional Usage
Autocomplete Cart Analytics
Suggestion Usage
Suggestion Coverage
Search User Rate
Unique Search Count
Intent Expression Time
Suggestion Type Usage
Positional Usage
Autocomplete Cart Analytics

Suggestion Usage

The percentage of search users that select a suggestion (e.g., keyword, product, category) when using Autocomplete. Available suggestion types are based on the Autocomplete configuration (customized for every online store).

Suggestion Coverage

Indicates how often suggestions are shown to users as they execute their search query. A high coverage rate shows that the Autocomplete offers suggestions even for long and complex queries.

Search User Rate

The percentage of visitors who use the Autocomplete search box (focusing into the search box or typing a query count are both included).

Unique Search Count

The number of unique search counts during a session. Repeated search queries during a visit are counted only once. In this example the unique search count is 3.

Intent Expression Time

The time (in seconds) users spend formulating their queries. The timer starts when the user focuses in the search box and ends when the user executes the query or clicks on a suggestion. Abandoned interactions are excluded.

Suggestion Type Usage

Shows the distribution of different suggestion types, such as keywords, products, or categories. When a visitor does not select any suggestion, it’s logged as “not selected”.

Positional Usage

The positional usage distribution of Autocomplete suggestions. It shows the percentage of clicks on the 1st, 2nd, etc. positions (both keywords and products). This helps identify if the most relevant results are shown first.

Autocomplete Cart Analytics

Shows the cart events that occurred while users engaged with the Autocomplete.

Suggestion Usage

The percentage of search users that select a suggestion (e.g., keyword, product, category) when using Autocomplete. Available suggestion types are based on the Autocomplete configuration (customized for every online store).

Suggestion Coverage

Indicates how often suggestions are shown to users as they execute their search query. A high coverage rate shows that the Autocomplete offers suggestions even for long and complex queries.

Search User Rate

The percentage of visitors who use the Autocomplete search box (focusing into the search box or typing a query count are both included).

Unique Search Count

The number of unique search counts during a session. Repeated search queries during a visit are counted only once. In this example the unique search count is 3.

Intent Expression Time

The time (in seconds) users spend formulating their queries. The timer starts when the user focuses in the search box and ends when the user executes the query or clicks on a suggestion. Abandoned interactions are excluded.

Suggestion Type Usage

Shows the distribution of different suggestion types, such as keywords, products, or categories. When a visitor does not select any suggestion, it’s logged as “not selected”.

Positional Usage

The positional usage distribution of Autocomplete suggestions. It shows the percentage of clicks on the 1st, 2nd, etc. positions (both keywords and products). This helps identify if the most relevant results are shown first.

Smart Product Code Matching feature accurately generates results for product ID or code searches and can handle different product code patterns.

Autocomplete Cart Analytics

Shows the cart events that occurred while users engaged with the Autocomplete.

Search Result Page Analytics

These analytics can be implemented for Prefixbox's AI Search Engine or your existing search result page (if you are using a different search solution).

Popular Searches
Zero Result Search Terms
Popular Products
E-commerce Search Conversion
Faceted Filter Usage
Filter Attribute Popularity
SERP Paging & Engagement
Popular Searches
Zero Result Search Terms
Popular Products
E-commerce Search Conversion
Faceted Filter Usage
Filter Attribute Popularity
SERP Paging & Engagement

Popular Searches

The Popular Searches table offers detailed insights for every search query on your site, including how frequently they were searched, clicked, and purchased to help you understand search trends.

Zero Result Search Terms

Analyze search terms that lead to zero result search pages. This metric is powerful because it shows where users got stuck with their searches. If the ‘Last Found Date’ appears as ‘N/A’ that means that the specific query did not return a result in the selected period.

Popular Products

A tabular visualization of the most popular products. It includes detailed insights such as: page views, clicks, cart events, and revenue. This metric helps you understand individual product performance.

E-commerce Search Conversion

This metric gives insight into the E-commerce funnel and highlights the differences between search users and other shoppers. Analyze cart event count from search, transaction count from search, search revenue rate, and more to see how search impacts your store.

Faceted Filter Usage

This metric shows how many users engaged with attribute filters on a Search Engine Results Page. Selecting multiple filters at the same time will only count as once in the overall usage.

Filter Attribute Popularity

This metric shows the usage of different attribute filters on the Search Engine Results Page.

SERP Paging & Engagement

This metric shows how users interact with the Search Engine's paging function. The trend is that most users only visit the first page.

Popular Searches

The Popular Searches table offers detailed insights for every search query on your site, including how frequently they were searched, clicked, and purchased to help you understand search trends.

Zero Result Search Terms

Analyze search terms that lead to zero result search pages. This metric is powerful because it shows where users got stuck with their searches. If the ‘Last Found Date’ appears as ‘N/A’ that means that the specific query did not return a result in the selected period.

Popular Products

A tabular visualization of the most popular products. It includes detailed insights such as: page views, clicks, cart events, and revenue. This metric helps you understand individual product performance.

E-commerce Search Conversion

This metric gives insight into the E-commerce funnel and highlights the differences between search users and other shoppers. Analyze cart event count from search, transaction count from search, search revenue rate, and more to see how search impacts your store.

Faceted Filter Usage

This metric shows how many users engaged with attribute filters on a Search Engine Results Page. Selecting multiple filters at the same time will only count as once in the overall usage.

Filter Attribute Popularity

This metric shows the usage of different attribute filters on the Search Engine Results Page.

SERP Paging & Engagement

This metric shows how users interact with the Search Engine's paging function. The trend is that most users only visit the first page.

Related Searches Analytics

We measure how users interact with Related Searches suggestions and offer separate analytics for the different placements on your site (top of SERP, bottom of SERP, zero result search pages).

Suggestion Usage
Suggestion Coverage
Popular Searches
Suggestion Usage
Suggestion Coverage
Popular Searches

Suggestion Usage

This metric tracks the number of times users clicked on Related Search suggestions.

Suggestion Coverage

See how often Related Searches were shown to users on the search engine results page.

Popular Searches

See all search queries that had Related Keyword suggestions. Also get a detailed view for a specific search query to see the position, click count, popularity for each suggestion.

Suggestion Usage

This metric tracks the number of times users clicked on Related Search suggestions.

Suggestion Coverage

See how often Related Searches were shown to users on the search engine results page.

Popular Searches

See all search queries that had Related Keyword suggestions. Also get a detailed view for a specific search query to see the position, click count, popularity for each suggestion.

Merchandising Campaign Analytics

Analytics for specific campaigns help retailers see the effectiveness of their merchandising efforts (reports are provided via Google Data Studio).

Banner Analytics
Promoted Product Analytics
On-site Ad Analytics
Campaign Keyword Analytics
Campaign Impact
Banner Analytics
Promoted Product Analytics
On-site Ad Analytics
Campaign Keyword Analytics
Campaign Impact

Banner Analytics

Track and review banner impression and click count. Measure different banners and banner placements separately.

Promoted Product Analytics

Track impressions, clicks, and cart events for all promoted products. Promoted products are controlled by Merchandising rules, and are placed on top of the Search Engine Results Page.

On-site Ad Analytics

Track impressions, clicks, and cart events for product ads. These ads are controlled by Merchandising rules, and are placed above or below the results on the Search Engine Results Page.

Campaign Keyword Analytics

This summary shows campaign statistics on keyword level. You can track Banner Click and Impressions, Promoted Product Clicks and Impressions, and Product Ads Clicks and Impressions. These metrics help summarize Merchandising campaign performance.

Campaign Impact

Discover the number of shoppers who have seen a campaign and on which search pages the campaign was triggered. This campaign summary provides overall insight about how different Merchandising tools (Promotions, Ads, Banners) have performed.

Banner Analytics

Track and review banner impression and click count. Measure different banners and banner placements separately.

Promoted Product Analytics

Track impressions, clicks, and cart events for all promoted products. Promoted products are controlled by Merchandising rules, and are placed on top of the Search Engine Results Page.

On-site Ad Analytics

Track impressions, clicks, and cart events for product ads. These ads are controlled by Merchandising rules, and are placed above or below the results on the Search Engine Results Page.

Campaign Keyword Analytics

This summary shows campaign statistics on keyword level. You can track Banner Click and Impressions, Promoted Product Clicks and Impressions, and Product Ads Clicks and Impressions. These metrics help summarize Merchandising campaign performance.

Campaign Impact

Discover the number of shoppers who have seen a campaign and on which search pages the campaign was triggered. This campaign summary provides overall insight about how different Merchandising tools (Promotions, Ads, Banners) have performed.

Prefixbox Insights

Search Analytics are part of Prefixbox Insights; explore our in-depth insights and experimentation platform to see how you can improve the search experience and move your KPIs.

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