Revenue increase
Average Order Value increase
Search Result Click increase
Revenue increase
Average Order Value increase
Search Result Click increase
Praktiker is one of Hungary’s leading DIY retailers, with more than 20 stores all around the country. Their webstore has more than 3 million visits monthly.
Praktiker wanted to test Prefixbox’s AI Search Engine against the existing, optimized Prefixbox text-matching based Search Engine to see how much it could increase their KPIs.
The treatment group, using the new AI Search Engine, generated 25.7% more revenue than users getting the standard search engine in the test period regarding shoppers who used site search during their visits.
The average order value of transactions made by shoppers using the new AI Search Engine was 25.4% higher than the average order value of the control group, using the text-matching based engine.
New Prefixbox AI Search Engine users generated 5.4% more clicks on products on the Search Result Engine Pages.
Prefixbox AI Search Engine is the combination of vector search, LLMs (Large Language Models), and keyword search technologies. It understands shopper intent by deciphering the meaning behind the search query.
Vector search doesn't replace keyword search, but works alongside it to return more relevant results.
Vector search leverages the mathematical representation of text (a vector). In this process, each product and the search query are converted into vectors. The search engine then finds the products vectors that are closest to the search query vector.
The AI Search Engine then re-ranks the top 200 search results based on user behavior data including click and cart events for each search term, to show the most engaging results first.
Check the dedicated product page for even more information.
Prefixbox's AI Search Engine, utilizing Vector Search technology, demonstrated significant improvements over the standard solution in essential business KPIs.
During a 4-week long A/B test on Praktiker's website, the treatment group, exposed to the new AI Search Engine, exhibited notable increases in key business metrics.
This included a 25.7% increase in revenue, a 25.4% increase in average order value and a 5.4% increase in search result clicks for shoppers using the new AI Search Engine.
Prefixbox AI Search Engine combines vector search, LLM (Large Language Model) and keyword search technologies. It understands shopper intent by deciphering the meaning behind the search query.
Search Revolution: Bauhaus skyrocketed KPIs after switching to Prefixbox